2019 Eric Hoffer Award Winner, E-Book Nonfiction All About Silk: Metamorphosis of an Unlikely Textile Fiber
"Visually engaging and highly accessible to a broad readership, this interactive book is a practical introduction to the fascinating world of silk. ... This encyclopedic guide is an user-friendly reference that contains easy-to-understand texts and diagrams."

2019 Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize Short List
All About Silk: Metamorphosis of an Unlikely Textile Fiber
As the annual judging draws to a close, the Eric Hoffer Award announces a small set of grand prize award finalists. This small list or "short list" of finalists is an honored distinction of its own and is announced publicly during the spring of each award year prior to the grand prize announcement.

2018 eLit Award Gold Medalist, Best Reference Book
All About Silk: Metamorphosis of an Unlikely Textile Fiber
eLit Awards honor the best of English language digital publishing. The annual competition is open to members of the electronic publishing industry worldwide.

2018 eLit Award Gold Medalist, Best How-To Book (Crafts/Hobby/Industrial Arts)
All About Silk: Metamorphosis of an Unlikely Textile Fiber
eLit Awards honor the best of English language digital publishing. The annual competition is open to members of the electronic publishing industry worldwide.

2018 Independent Publisher Book Award Silver Medalist, Best E-Book Design
All About Silk: Metamorphosis of an Unlikely Textile Fiber
The Independent Publisher Book Awards honor the year's best independently published titles from around the world. The annual competition draws entries from independent publishers worldwide. Also known as the IPPY Awards.

2001 Benjamin Franklin Award Finalist, Best Web Site
Web sites were judged by professionals in the book industry for best design and overall effectiveness. A winner and three finalists were selected from hundreds of entries. The awards are sponsored by the Publishers Marketing Association. "Good-looking site which accomplishes what a site should."

What's New Magazine 2000 Awards Portfolio Winner Julie Parker's Fabric Reference Series was selected as an outstanding educational tool for teachers of family and consumer sciences. Judges assessed each entry for clarity of educational purpose, content, interest level, documentation, strengths and weaknesses. What's New Magazine is distributed to 20,000 educators in schools nationwide.

Writer's Digest 1999 National Self-Published Book Awards
Finalist, reference category
All About Cotton
The competition was open to books published or reprinted in 1997-1999 for which the author paid the full cost of publication. The contest attracted thousands of entries. Writer's Digest editors selected a winner and three finalists in each of eight categories.

1999 Benjamin Franklin Award Winner, Cover Design All About Cotton Books were judged by professionals in the book industry for editorial and design excellence. A winner and two finalists were chosen in each category. Judges made the following comments: "An outstanding fabric reference book. ... Simple and readable design. ... Very nicely done work. ... Clear and straightforward. Great content. ... We applaud the elegant restraint in the use of color. ... Excellent explanations. Fully covered. ... No room for improvement. It's a great idea. ... An excellent reference book!"

1997 Small Press Book Award Finalist, Crafts/Hobby All About Wool
Books were judged by professionals in the book industry for overall excellence. A winner and two finalists were chosen in each category. Winners and finalists were reviewed in the July/August 1997 issue of Small Press magazine: "What a wonderful book! Everything anyone could want to know about wool fabrics, from their original 'wearer' to the recommended cleaning process. The book provides sample swatches of good size, as well as hints about handling the vagaries of different fabrics and to what use each is best suited. There is a useful bibliography, an index of sheep breeds as well as the usual index and an extensive glossary of wool terms. A clear, simple guide in a well-organized form, this is the basic reference for all who work with wool."
