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This is an updated version of the source list in our book, All About Wool: A Fabric Dictionary & Swatchbook. We update the list each time we print the book, but as soon as the ink is dry, something changes. We no longer sell the updated list because we can post it here for free, and we no longer list phone numbers and addresses because you can find that information on each of the web sites.
This list was updated Sept. 18, 2021.
 | bblackandsons.com
B. Black & Sons
Los Angeles, California
Wholesale source of many types of woolen and worsted fabrics, especially men's suiting fabrics. Huge inventory, low minimums. Qualified wholesale buyers only.

|  |  | banaschs.com Banasch’s
Milford, Ohio
Wholesale source of sewing and pressing equipment and tailoring supplies. Free catalog, $25 minimum order. Retail fabric store carries wools imported from Europe. Custom sampling available to mail-order customers with special requests.

|  |  | banksvilledesignerfabrics.com Banksville Designer Fabrics
Norwalk, Connecticut
Retail store that buys fabrics from New York's top clothing designers and manufacturers. Wide selection of fashion fabrics in all fibers. Wool fabrics include barathea, cavalry twill, challis, coating, crepe, double-faced, flannel, gabardine, herringbone, knits, lamb's wool, melton, merino, suiting, tartan plaids, tropicals, tweeds, cashmere and mohair. Offers specialized swatching services and seasonal mailings to members of swatch club.

|  |  | britexfabrics.com Britex Fabrics
San Francisco, California
Four-floor retail store – with floor-to-ceiling displays of fabric – is worth a visit if you are in the neighborhood. Small fee for custom sampling to mail-order customers who provide very specific details about the types of fabrics they seek.

|  |  | emmaonesock.com Emma One Sock
Dresher, Pennsylvania
Wide variety of fabrics of all fibers, including wool knits and novelties. Many fabrics are from designer cutting rooms. Inventory changes quickly.

|  |  | filzfelt.com FilzFelt Inc.
Getzville, New York
Source of 100 percent wool felt imported from Germany. Sells yardage and pieces in three different weights and thicknesses. Also sells felt items such as placemats, coasters and table runners. Samples available for a small fee.

|  |  | harristweed.org The Harris Tweed Authority Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland
Informative web site with lots of details and history about Harris Tweed, including a full page of links to sources of fabric from stores, mills and independent weavers.

|  |  | lintontweeds.com Linton Tweeds Ltd. Carlisle, England
High quality woolen tweeds and suitings made famous by designer Coco Chanel, who for a time was the company's biggest and most prestigious customer. During the heyday of haute couture in the 1900s, only a handful of privileged customers were invited to view the Linton collection each season. Today, Linton fabrics can be purchased online, with worldwide delivery. New fabrics are added every week, made from wool and a wide range of other fibers.

|  |  | millendstore.com Mill End Store
Milwaukie, Oregon
Extensive selection of fashion fabrics of all fibers, plus home-decorating fabrics and upholstery. Nice selection of wools and lots of one-of-a-kind suiting and coating fabrics. Discounts available to qualified buyers. Tour buses are common at warehouse-style store – it’s worth a visit if you’re in the area. A second store is located in Beaverton.

|  |  | sawyerbrook.com Sawyer Brook Distinctive Fabrics
Lee, New Hampshire
Fine fabrics imported from Italy, France and elsewhere. Specializes in fabrics made from natural fibers, including a nice selection of wool crêpes, flannels, gabardines, coatings and one-of-a-kind suitings. Annual fee for seasonal mailings of swatches.

|  |  | stonemountainfabric.com Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics
Berkeley, California
Independent fabric store with two floors of mostly natural fibers, including hundreds of wools in many different weaves and colors. Swatches available.

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